Product Disclaimer

1.Our products are for external use only.

We have listed the used ingredients in our website, promotional advertisement and product labels. Users can check if the listed ingredients are suitable or caused allergy before purchasing. Please alert us if you know any materials would cause irritation.

2.Despite we use all the natural ingredients, we strongly recommend you to conduct a skin test of our product before purchasing given each of our skin condition is different ——— Apply the product to a more delicate area of the body, such as the inner elbow or the inside of the forearm. After 30 minutes, if there is no redness, swelling, or other allergic reactions, then it can be safely used.

3.If you are pregnant, have eczema, or have sensitive skin, please inform us so we can avoid using any natural ingredients that may trigger a sensitivity reaction.

4. We always suggest to apply sunscreen at any day time and especially if you use the products with the citrus type of essential oils like Lemon, Mandarin, Grapefruit to protect from photosensitivity