About Founder


About me:
In the past, I was a fashion buyer who used to work in the luxury industry. Believing the expensive foreign brands were always the best for my skin. I would constantly try every new product that came out. But over time, I realized that my skin had become accustomed to those ingredients and I couldn't see any noticeable benefits or changes. Plus, it seemed like I was spending more and more money without getting the results I wanted.

That's when I started exploring the possibility of other brands, including handmade skincare products. After all, taking care of your skin is an important routine, regardless of your age. So I decided to learn how to make my own skincare products. It was such a great experience because it allowed me to really understand the benefits of each ingredient for my skin and I could control every step of the process.

I also noticed that people around me were concerned about their skin and were looking for products that could give them better results. I mean, there's no one-size-fits-all formula that works for everyone, right?

So I took a leap and created this brand. My goal is to communicate with each and every user, understand your skin's unique characteristics and concerns, and share the amazing benefits of natural ingredients.

Together, we can create a customized skincare line that's perfect for you!


ISDH Cosmetic Start Up Expert Course
ISDH Hair Product Course